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From the 21st of February 2003, the East-West Development Scheme became an allocation-based scheme. The program was implemented through the Panchayati Raj institutions. With this scheme, the Government of India sought to provide gainful employment for the rural poor.

To provide job opportunities and food to the rural poor, the Government of India introduced Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana. Under the scheme, the Government provides wages and food grain to those below the poverty line. Let’s check out the Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana details.

Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana Objectives:

The objectives of Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY) are as follows-

  • To give extra and beneficial compensation work in the country region.
  • To give food security and work on wholesome levels in all rustic region of our country.
  • Production of tough local area, social and financial resources and infrastructural improvement in country regions is an auxiliary target of SGSY.

Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana Features:

Features of the Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Scheme are as follows-

  • The Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs) implements Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana programme
  • The funds and food grains under the scheme will be available for all three tiers of Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs).
    • District Panchayat
    • Intermediate Panchayat
    • Village Panchayat
  • The resources among the District Panchayat, Intermediate Panchayat and Village Panchayat, in a district, will be distributed in the ratio of 20:30:50.
  • Foodgrains and 5% of the funds under SGRY will be included in the Ministry for operating at the time of acute distress arising out of natural misfortunes or for taking up preventative measures in the flood-affected or chronically deficit rural areas.

SMRY TARGET Beneficiaries:

The SGRY will be available to all rustic helpless who are needing wage business and want to do manual and incompetent work in and around their town/living space. The Program is self-focusing in nature. While giving pay business, the inclination will be given to rural wage earners, non-agricultural unskilled wage earners, negligible ranchers, the people impacted because of catastrophes, ladies, individuals from Planned Positions/ scheduled castes and guardians of kid work removed from perilous occupations, guardians of debilitated youngsters or grown-up offspring of incapacitated guardians who are burning of working for wage work.

Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana Beneficiaries:

SGRY provides wage employment to the rural poor who are in need of work. This program is aimed at assisting people who desire to do manual and unskilled work in their village or village area. The Program is self-targeting in nature.

  • Agricultural wage earners
  • Non-agricultural unskilled wage earners
  • Marginal farmers
  • Persons affected due to calamities
  • Women
  • Members of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes
  • Parents of child labour withdrawn from hazardous occupations
  • Parents of handicapped children
  • Adult children of handicapped parents who are desirous of working for wage employment

Distribution of Money & Wheat under the SGRY Scheme:

The Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Scheme is a centrally sponsored wage Employment Scheme for this scheme, 75% of the Cash Component is provided by the central government, and 25% by the state government. Food grain assistance is provided by the central government and payment of food grains is made by the Ministry of Rural Development to FCI.

Employment and Wages-

Under this plan, at least 5 kg of food grains per work is given as a feature of wages. The equilibrium of the wages is paid in real money. At least 25% of wages will be paid in real money.

The expense of food grains is worked out at BPL rates or APL rates or anyplace between the two by the State government. Works will be taken according to the felt need of the area inside accessible assets.

Special Safeguards for Women and Weaker Sections-

  • Least half of the assets will be reserved to the town Panchayat for foundation advancement works in SC/ST areas.
  • As a component of this program, the Public authority is giving 30% of business potential open doors to ladies.
  • Under this plan, 22.5% of the yearly distribution including food grains designated both at the area level and middle of the road Panchayat level will be reserved for the singular gathering recipients of SC/ST families living beneath the neediness line.

Works under Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana:

For the creation of a stable effective community, prioritized works under Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana are as follows-

  • Infrastructure support for the Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar scheme
  • The infrastructure required for supporting agricultural activities in the Village Panchayat area.
  • Community infrastructure for education including kitchen sheds, health and internal as well as link roads (roads linking the village to the main road, even if it falls outside the Panchayat area).
  • Socio-economic community assets.
  • Desolation, renovation of traditional village tank or ponds.

Works for SC/ ST of BPL Category:

As mentioned above, 22.5 % of the resources released to the District Panchayat and Intermediate Panchayat are used for individual or group works for SCs/STs of the BPL category. Such works are listed as follows.

  • Development of surplus land, Bhoodan land, Government land.
  • Social forestry works, such as fuelwood and fodder plantations on the private lands belonging to schedule caste or schedule tribe community.
  • Agri-horticulture, horticulture, floriculture, plantation on the private lands belonging to SCs/STs of below poverty line (BPL).
  • Work sheds or infrastructure for any self-employment programme
  • Works related to open irrigation wells or bore-wells for irrigation
  • Pond excavation or re-excavation works
  • Other sustainable income generating assets

Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana Prohibited Works:

Some of the works are prohibited under Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana are as follows-

  • Buildings for religious purposes such as mosques, temples, churches, gurudwaras
  • Monuments, Memorials statutes, Idols, Arch, Gate or Welcome Gates
  • Bridges
  • Buildings for Higher Secondary Schools
  • Buildings for Colleges
  • Black topping of roads

Muster Rolls:

The muster rolls are maintained separately for every job. They reveal how much wages have been paid to employees and what amount of food grains have been distributed. The muster rolls also list the number and details of women employed as well as scheduled castes or scheduled tribes.

Increasing the level of food security and nutritional intake as well as community, social, and economic development through additional labor employment in rural areas is part of this scheme.

Here, we cover a small piece of information about the Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana. For the application process and for the SGRY Scheme Online Application visit the Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana. Stay tuned to get notified about the other Government schemes.