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National Literacy Mission 2024, In India, Adult Education is a concurrent subject, with both the Central Government and the State Government contributing to its promotion and strengthening. At the national level, the National Literacy Mission Authority (NLMA), an autonomous department of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, is the central nodal agency for planning and funding of Adult Education Programmes and institutions. The General Counsel and Executive Committee are the main policy and executive bodies.

The arrangement of grown-up training is through the Saakshar Bharat Program (SBP) which is a midway supported plan. The National Literacy Mission Authority (NLMA), is the Nodal Agency at the National level. The Joint Secretary (Adult Education) is the ex – officio Director-General of NLMA. It was set up in 1988 with the endorsement of the Cabinet as a free and independent wing of the Ministry of HRD (the then Department of Education). The Cabinet vested the National Literacy Mission Authority with full leadership and monetary powers in the circle of work.

As part of the National Policy on Education 1986 (NPE), it is stated that the literacy program would include, in addition to functional literacy knowledge and skills, awareness among learners about the socio-economic reality and its potential to be changed. A key point stressed in the Policy is the importance of post-literacy and continuing education.

National Literacy Mission Objectives: 

National Literacy Mission (NLM) which targets presenting useful education to 80 million unskilled people in 15-35 age-gatherings- 30 million by 1990 and an extra 50 million by 1995 – is one of the five Technology Missions. It was a major test to address such an immense parcel of individuals about literacy and its advantages.

NLM depends on the reason that education is a vital part of human asset advancement and a fundamental instrument for correspondence and learning, forgetting and sharing information and data, a precondition for a singular’s development and for the public turn of events. NLM likewise means to tackle the advances in Science & Technology, correspondence, and educational sciences, to assist the denied segments of society.

National Literacy Mission Authority is Directed With:

  • Policy and planning
  • Leadership training
  • Developmental and promotional activities
  • Technology demonstration
  • Research and development
  • Operational functions including assistance to voluntary agencies and other NGOs
  • Monitoring and evaluation etc.
  • Resource development including media and materials

National Literacy Mission Authority Operational Area: 

Adult Education is a Concurrent Subject with both Central and State Governments being expected to add to its advancement and strengthening. To advance proficiency and adult education and to accomplish the objectives spelled out in NPE and NLM, the Government of India truly set up the National Literacy Mission Authority (NLMA) in the Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Education).

National Literacy Mission Authority will be a free-end independent wing of the Ministry of HRD (Department of Education) vested with the full leadership and monetary powers in its circle of work. It will be the working and carrying out association at the public level for every one of the exercises conceived in NLM. The role of National Literacy Mission Authority would include-

  1. Policy and planning
  2. Developmental and promotional activities
  3. Research and development
  4. Technology demonstration
  5. Monitoring and evaluation
  6. Operational functions including assistance to voluntary agencies and other NGOs
  7. Leadership training
  8. Resource development, including media and materials

Campaigns Under the National Literacy Mission:

1. Total Literacy Campaigns (TLC):

Complete Literacy Campaign (TLC) is the foremost procedure of the National Literacy Mission (NLM) for granting useful proficiency to 100 Million people in the 15-35 age bunches in a period bound way. The TLC has specific positive attributes like being region explicit, time-bound, participative, conveyed through voluntarism, practical, and result situated. Through the TLC underlines the accomplishment of foreordained degrees of education and numeracy, there are different exercises connected up with TLCs, like lobbies for all-inclusive enrolment and maintenance in schools, immunization,  preservation of the climate, the little family standard, ladies’ strengthening, and so forth

The TLC has an accepted term of 12 to 18 of which half is committed to the arrangement and a half to real educating/learning action. In uncommonly troublesome regions, the span is appropriately expanded. Two activities, in particular, climate working as well as observing and simultaneous assessment are going on all through the campaign.  The underlying action of climate building is firmly trailed by a house to house overview to recognize possible students and volunteer teachers. Reasonable groundworks (in 3 sections) are created through the state asset communities for grown-up training as per the new educational procedure of ‘Further developed Pace and content of Learning’.

2. Post Literacy Programme (PLP) :

One of the significant destinations of a PLC is to empower the neo-literates to get familiar with the use of proficiency abilities as a critical thinking device so that learning becomes suitable for living and working. In the restricted time accessible during TLC, it is unimaginable to expect to harp sufficiently on the usefulness and mindfulness parts of the program. In this way, in the PLC stage, these goals become the overwhelming focus. One of the primary assignments in a PLC program is the thing is known as a ‘mopping up’ activity. Those students, who exited or couldn’t accomplish the NLM levels of proficiency in the TLC stage, are empowered to accomplish them through remediation or cleaning up activity.

To guarantee that there is no delay between the finish of the fundamental proficiency stage and the beginning of the post-education program, which could bring about a relapse of neo-literates, NLM has laid a lot of accentuation on the preparation and sending off of PLC well on schedule. Post proficiency explicitly focuses on remediation, maintenance, and solidification of education abilities in the initial stage through directed learning. In the subsequent stage, students are furnished with an assortment of valuable understanding material and library administrations to assist them with keeping on learning through independent cycles.

3. Continuing Education Programme (CEP):

After the impingement of literacy and adult education programs another challenge that preceded the National Literacy Mission was to make a Continuing Education System and keep a directed ceaseless and deep-rooted learning process. Consequently, the plan of Continuing Education was taken up. The Continuing Education Scheme is multi-layered and is hypothesized on the standards of treating fundamental proficiency, post-proficiency, and later proceeding with instruction. Overall the plan targets addressing the financial circumstances of the local area to give a framework to bigger advancement drives.

The public authority of India has endorsed another Scheme of proceeding with Education for Neo-Literates in December 1995. The Scheme is in the underlying system of execution. It gives a learning continuum to the endeavors of the Total Literacy and Post Literacy Programs.

Under the Scheme, the primary purpose is to the setting up Continuing Education Centers (CECs) which will work as the central focus for giving learning valuable open doors, for example, a library, understanding room, learning focus, preparing focus, data focus, church Mandal, advancement focus, social focus, sports focus, and other individual interest advancement program focus.

National Literacy Mission Funding Pattern:

For TLC/ PLC- It has been estimated that it requires about Rs.90-180 to literate one person. Funds are shared by the Central and State Governments in the ratio 2:1.

For Continuing Education- 100% Central Assistance to the Scheme for the first 3 years of implementation. Cost to be shared equally by Central and State Governments in the 4th and 5th years.

Support to Non-Governmental Organizations- NLM likewise gives help to NGOs in the field of grown-up training. The target of the Scheme is to get the broad contribution of NGOs in the National Literacy Mission. NLM gives money-related awards to NGOs to undertaking ventures of fundamental proficiency, post-education proceeding with instruction, and different activities, including assessment of education/grown-up schooling programs and for laying out asset communities. This plan extends the extent of NLM as NGOs working in far-off regions can attempt proficiency projects and instruct country individuals.z

NLM and Women’s Empowerment:

National Literacy Mission helped women with working on their status inside the family. For the most part, ladies are having little say in navigation, yet instruction is helpful for them in a manner to acquire to some degree regarding inside and outside the family. In the majority of the towns, it has additionally been seen that ladies are turning into the principal advertiser of schooling for their kids. The grown-up schooling program has furnished them with a brilliant opportunity to peruse, compose and upgrade their abilities, information, and mindfulness. Govt. Education crusades effectively advanced correspondence and value without prompting any sort of inclination in view of orientation, rank, religion, or class.

NLM plays had a critical impact in establishing a climate where ladies themselves request information and study to enable themselves. Because of these literacy programs, the female education rate during the period 1991-2001 expanded by 14.87%. This was 3.15% more contrasted with the male proficiency rate that was 11.72% in 1991-2001. This validates the job NLM has played in ladies’ strengthening.

Understanding the basic significance of training in the improvement of the country, over the most recent couple of years, the Government of India has expanded its interest in schooling and has made a few positive strides towards investigating the capability of innovations at all degrees of instruction. Public Literacy Mission is one such extraordinary advance towards teaching India.

The Council of NLMA:

National Literacy Mission Authority’s apex body, headed by the Minister of Human Resource Development, includes, among others, the Ministers of Panchayati Raj, Rural Development, Minority Affairs, Information and Broadcasting, Health and Family Welfare, Youth Affairs and Sports, Social Justice and Empowerment, Women and Child Development, senior-level leaders of the main political parties, three Members of Parliament, Education Ministers of six States, etc.

Executive Committee:

The Executive Committee is mindful to do every one of the elements of the Authority as per the approach and rules set somewhere near the Council. It aims at the legitimate execution of arrangements and consolidation of the most recent advancements in the field of grown-up training. It is going by Secretary (SE&L) and includes Adviser (Education), Planning Commission, Additional Secretary, and Financial Adviser in Ministry of HRD, Chairman of National Institute of Open Schooling, some State Directors of Adult Education, and authorities of the State Governments, delegates of SRCs and JSSs as well as non-official individuals.


NLM had two lead programs – “Complete Literacy” and “Post education” and later they were consolidated as a solitary program, ‘Proficiency Campaigns and Operation Restoration’. The NLM started its first fruitful mission in Kottayam city of Kerala followed by Ernakulam locale. Up until November 2002, 596 areas out of the complete 600 regions of the nation had been covered under Total Literacy. 191 were in the post-proficiency stage while 238 were in the proceeding with schooling stage.

Before the finish of the tenth Plan time frame, NLM had made 127.45 million people proficient, of which, 60% were females, 23% had a place with Scheduled Castes (SCs), and 12% to Scheduled Tribes (STs). 597 regions were covered under Total Literacy Campaigns of which 502 arrived at the Post Literacy stage and 328 arrived at Continuing Education stage.

national literacy mission authority

Here, we cover a small piece of information about the National Literacy Mission Authority. For more information visit the National Literacy Mission official website. Stay tuned to get notified about the other Government schemes.