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Gramin Bhandaran Yojana 2024 is an Indian Government scheme that was launched in the year 2001- 2002. This scheme functions for the renovation and the construction of the rural area godowns. Gramin Bhandaran Scheme is also available for the rural godowns placed in the various food parks. Gramin Bhandaran Yojana is promoted by the Ministry of Food Processing.

The Gramin Bhandaran Yojana is a capital investment subsidy scheme. Under this scheme, godowns should be constructed outside the municipal corporations. It is important to give the privileges of the Gramin Bhandaran Yojana to the rural godowns located in the food parks.

Gramin Bhandaran Yojana scheme was designed to increase the grain storage capacity of rural farmers. As we all know the economical capacity of the small farmers is not enough to hold their products until they get the profitable price in the market. Gramin Bhadaran Yojana was designed to increase the storage capacity of the small farmers by developing godowns for the storage of their produces.

With the help of this scheme, the storage capacity of the farmers can be increased and they can store their products until they get favorable prices in the market for their crops. The godowns can also prevent damage and loss towards their product and at the same time meet the credit needs of the farmers. This scheme can save farmers from selling their produce at low market prices under compulsion.

Gramin Bhandaran Yojana Objectives:

  • The fundamental goals of the program are to comprise the formation of the scientific storage capacity with subordinate offices in country regions
  • To address the issues of farmers to store farming produce and processed farming products
  • To advance evaluating, normalization, and quality control to further develop the market worth of rural produce
  • To eliminate stress and pressure of the farmers to sell their produce immediately after harvesting
  • Toughening of rural marketing infrastructure in the nation by presenting Public Warehousing Arrangement of receipts in regard to horticultural wares
  • Through this, the private and agreeable areas might benefit from some intervention to decrease costs in the farming area by inspiring them to put resources into building stockpiling frameworks in the country
  • The task of development of provincial godown can be embraced by people, ranchers, rancher/maker gatherings, foundations, NGOs, self-improvement gatherings, organizations, enterprises, co-employable associations, leagues, and agrarian produce promoting social orders the nation over.

Gramin Bhandaran Yojana Features:

The salient features of Gramin Bhandaran Yojana are as follows-

Size of godown- The owner needs to choose the limit of their godown. Appropriation for the plan is accommodated a base capability of 100 burdens and a limit of 30,000 burdens. A more modest rustic godown – 50-ton limit is additionally qualified under the plan based on geography or practicality investigation/necessity of a locale. Likewise, godowns situated in sloping regions with 25-ton limit additionally fit the bill for the plan in explicit cases

Pledge Loan- Upon hypothecation of ranch produce, farmers can get benefit of the pledge loan facility. The financing costs, credit sum, and vow period depend on the RBI/NABARD rules and banking practices of different monetary foundations

Conditions- Godowns should be powerful as far as their design for the capacity of agricultural produce. Business visionaries might need to get a permit under the State Warehousing Act. Godowns that have the ability to store around 1,000 tons should be authorize by the Focal Warehousing Enterprise (CWC)

Location- Godowns should be built external the constraints of the metropolitan partnerships. Additionally, any godowns (advanced by the Service of Food Handling Ventures) situated at food parks are qualified too

Credit linked assistance- Appropriation connected to institutional credit is accessible for projects financed by the accompanying: Metropolitan Agreeable BanksRegional provincial banks business Banknorth Eastern Advancement Money Company (NEDFI)State Co-usable Rural and Country Improvement

Capital Cost- Godowns (1000 tonnes) Godowns over 1000 tons limit Relies upon the genuine expense or cost of a task evaluated by a bank or Rs.3500 per ton, whichever is lower relies upon the real expense or cost of an undertaking assessed by a bank or Rs.1500, whichever is lower

Subsidy- Projects which get finance from helpful and business banks will get appropriations through NABARD. The appropriation in the Sponsorship Hold Asset Record is tax-exempt

Security- Home loan of land and godown

Gramin Bhandaran Yojana Purpose:

The Gramin Bhandaran Yojana envisages a robust network of non-urban godowns to help build adequate scientific storage for farm produce in rural areas. Owing to enhanced storage capacity, farmers in villages are less likely to opt for distress sale of their harvest courtesy marketing credit and pledge financing available under the scheme.

The purpose of the scheme is to cater to better storage facilities of farm produce, agricultural inputs, processed farm produce besides standardization of farm produce to boost its demand in the market and pave way for a system of warehouse receipts on a national level. The scheme is aimed at arresting the decreasing investment ratio in the agriculture sector in the country by extending subsidies to cooperative and private sectors.

Gramin Bhandaran Yojana Eligibility:

The eligibility criteria to avail of the Gramin Bhandaran Yojana are as follows-

  • Marketing boards
  • Farmers
  • Agro-processing co-operative societies
  • Quality testing laboratories
  • Proprietary firms
  • Corporations
  • Agro-processing corporations
  • Partnership firms
  • Farmers’ groups
  • Non Governmental Organisations
  • Self-help groups
  • Agro-industrial corporations
  • Companies
  • Co-operatives
  • Agricultural Produce Marketing Committees

About Gramin Bhandaran Yojana:


Under this program, the business visionary has the opportunity to develop the godown in any area according to his business decision. Provided that the stockroom space should be outside the restrictions of the Municipal Corporation Area. Rural godowns to be set up in food parks advanced by the Service of Food Handling Enterprises are additionally qualified for help under this program.


The capability of the godown will be chosen by the entrepreneur. But the limit of the godown ought not to be under 100 tons and not in excess of 30 thousand tons to get subsidy under this program. Rural godowns as much as 50 tons limit may likewise be qualified for subsidy as a unique case under this program, depending upon the practicality analysis. Rural godowns with a limit of 25 tons in hilly regions will likewise be qualified for a subsidy.

The location, space size, and capacity of the godown are as follows-

  • The godown should be outside the limits of the municipal area.
  • Minimum Capacity : 50 Metric Ton
  • Max Capacity : 10,000 Metric Ton
  • Height of godown: should not be less than 4-5 meters
  • Warehouse Capacity : 1 Cubic Meter Area 0-4 Metric Tonne Calculation Scale

Conditions For Scientific Storage-

The pre-conditions for the construction of scientific storage are as follows:

  1. Constructed as per CPWD/SPWD-K Specification
  2. Smooth pucca road
  3. Protection against germs
  4. Pucca internal roads
  5. Bird protection mesh windows/ skylight
  6. Proper drainage system
  7. Airtightness of doors, windows for effective fumigation fumigation
  8. Fire suppression/safety system
  9. The godown complex should have the following facilities
  10. Proper loading/unloading system

Loan Assistance-

The endowment under this program is connected to institutional credit and is given distinctly for such ventures which are subsidized by Business Banks, Provincial Country Banks, State Co-employable Banks, State Co-usable Horticulture, and Rustic Improvement Banks, Farming Advancement Money Enterprises, Metropolitan Co-usable Banks, and so forth have been supported.

Subsidy under the program on the capital expense of the development of godown with practically extra offices like Chahar divider, inward street, stage, development of inside seepage framework, the establishment of the plinth, evaluating, bundling, quality accreditation, warehousing offices for the activity of godown Is given.

Forward Credit Facility-

The farmers keeping their produce in these godowns will be viewed as qualified to get a forward credit by promising the produce. The agreements, rate of interest, vow period, sum, and so forth of sending Advances will be chosen as per the rules gave by Hold Bank/NABARD and the ordinary financial practices followed by the financial institution.


The responsibility of providing the warehouse will rest with the owner of the godown.


The rates of subsidy for the Gramin Bhandaran Yojana will be as follows-

  • 33% (33.33 percent) of the capital expense of the project will be given as subsidy if there should be an occurrence of SC/ ST business people and agreeable associations having a place with these networks and undertakings situated in the North-Eastern States, hilly regions, with a most extreme constraint of Rs 3 crore.
  • All classes of farmers, agricultural graduates, and agreeable associations will be given an subsidy of 25% of the capital expense of the task subject to a maximum limit of Rs.2.25 crore.
  • Any remaining classifications of people, organizations, partnerships, etc. will be given an subsidy of 15% of the capital expense of the task subject to a most maximum limit of Rs.1.35 crore
  • 25% subsidy of the project cost will be given for the remodel of godowns of co-operative associations being finished with the assistance of NCDC.

The capital expense of the project with the end goal of subsidy under the program will be determined as under-

  1. For godowns as much as 1000 ton limit- Project cost or genuine expense of Rs. 3500 for each huge load of capacity as evaluated by the financing bank the expense at the pace of limit, whichever is less;
  2. For godowns with a limit of in excess of 1000 tons- Undertaking cost or genuine expense as surveyed by the bank or the expense Rs. 1500 for every ton, whichever is less.

Gramin Bhandaran Yojana Application Form:

gramin bhandaran yojana

gramin bhandaran yojana application form

gramin bhandaran yojana apply online

gramin bhandaran yojana online register

Here, we cover a small piece of information about the Gramin Bhandaran Yojana Scheme. For the application process and for the Gramin Bhandaran Yojana visit the NABARD official website. Stay tuned to get notified about the other Government schemes.